
Contains information about a journal entry


The following API methods use this data model.

Read-Only Fields

These fields are assigned by the API server and cannot be changed.


uuid, read-only

The unique ID of this record, automatically assigned by Lockstep when this record is
added to the Lockstep platform.

For the ID of this record in its originating financial system, see ErpKey.


uuid, read-only

The GroupKey uniquely identifies a single Lockstep Platform account. All records for this
account will share the same GroupKey value. GroupKey values cannot be changed once created.

For more information, see Accounts and GroupKeys.


uuid, nullable, read-only

The AppEnrollmentId of the application that imported this record. For accounts
with more than one financial system connected, this field identifies the originating
financial system that produced this record. This value is null if this record
was not loaded from an external ERP or financial system.


JournalEntrySource, read-only

Possible sources for a Journal Entry.


date-time, read-only

The UTC date and time when this journal entry was posted.


JournalEntryStatus, read-only

Possible statuses for a Journal Entry.


date-time, read-only

The raw posting date from the source.


date-time, read-only

The date that the journal entry was created.


uuid, read-only

The ID of the user who created the journal entry.


date-time, read-only

The date that the journal entry was last modified.


uuid, read-only

The ID of the user who last modified the journal entry.


date-time, nullable, read-only

The date on which this record was last modified in source ERP.

Required Fields



All lines attached to this journal entry.
To retrieve this collection, specify Lines in the "Include" parameter for your query.

Optional Fields


string, nullable, max 100 characters

The unique ID of this record as it was known in its originating financial system.

If this journal entry record was imported from a financial system, it will have the value ErpKey
set to the original primary key number of the record as it was known in the originating financial
system. If this record was not imported, this value will be null.

For more information, see Identity Columns.


string, nullable, max 100 characters

The ERP’s identifier for this journal entry, usually has meaning to the user.
May be the same value of the ERP Key.


string, nullable, max 500 characters

A brief description explaining the purpose of the journal entry.


string, nullable, max 250 characters

An additional comment related to the entry.


string, nullable, max 100 characters

Any reference number or identifier associated with the entry, such as an invoice number or purchase order.

Included Collections

These fields are available when using Retrieve or Query API calls if you specify the associated Include parameter.


AttachmentModel[], nullable, read-only

A collection of attachments linked to this record. To retrieve this collection, specify Attachments in
the include parameter when retrieving data.

To create an attachment, use the Upload Attachment
endpoint with the TableKey to Invoice and the ObjectKey set to the InvoiceId for this record. For
more information on extensibility, see linking extensible metadata to objects.