Update App Enrollment

Updates an existing App Enrollment with the information supplied to this PATCH call.

The PATCH method allows you to change specific values on the object while leaving other values alone. As input you should supply a list of field names and new values. For example, you can provide the field name "IsActive" and specify the new value "False"; this API will then change the value of IsActive to false.

An App Enrollment represents an app that has been enrolled to the current account. When you sign up for an app using the Lockstep Platform, you obtain an enrollment record for that app. Example types of apps include connectors and feature enhancement apps. The App Enrollment object contains information about this app, its configuration, and settings.

See Applications and Enrollments for more information.


To call this endpoint, you must have one of these roles:

  • Group Owner
  • Group Admin

You can view your roles with the Status API.

Data Definition

See AppEnrollmentModel for the complete data definition.

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