Update Payment Application

Updates an existing Payment Application with the information supplied to this PATCH call.

The PATCH method allows you to change specific values on the object while leaving other values alone. As input you should supply a list of field names and new values. If you do not provide the name of a field, that field will remain unchanged. This allows you to ensure that you are only updating the specific fields desired.

A Payment Application is created by a business who receives a Payment from a customer. A customer may make a single Payment to match an Invoice exactly, a partial Payment for an Invoice, or a single Payment may be made for multiple smaller Invoices. The Payment Application contains information about which Invoices are connected to which Payments and for which amounts.


To call this endpoint, you must have one of these roles:

  • Group Owner
  • Group Admin
  • Member

You can view your roles with the Status API.

Data Definition

See PaymentAppliedModel for the complete data definition.

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